LABS bygger artistkultur med design och berättelser
LABS är en grupp prisvinnande kreatörer som alla brinner för musik. De som jobbar här är handplockade från reklambyråer och produktionsbolag, blandat med fotografer, filmare och konstnärer.

Avicii “TIM”
We created a pre-listen campaign for the Avicii album “Tim” based around a simple but powerful expression. Placing your hand on someone else's hand. The twist was that in this Avicii campaign you did it with someone half way around the world. In six locations: Stockholm, New York, London, Sidney Saopalo and Tokyo, big physical installations was constructed that people could walk into. Inside, you placed your hand on a touch device that powered up the room lights and a map of the world that showed the locations of all the other Avicii installations. If anyone in these other locations placed their hand on their touch device at the same time as you a link was established and the music started.
Astrid S makes a song with her 600.000 followers
After spending 6 months working overtime in the studio Astrid S felt disconnected from her fans. We pitched the idea to invite them into her creative process by asking her fans on Instagram and Twitter if they wanted to make a song together with her. Astrid asked her followers to simply write a word or a sentence they like and after just 24h over 5000 lyrics suggestions was submitted! The following day all submissions where tapered to the walls of her studio and the work began with cameras capturing everything from every angle for 24h.

Veronica Maggio, Skärmtid
"Vi lever i en tid där musik alltid bara är ett klick bort. En tid där om man inte riktigt gillar dom första 5 sekunderna av introt så går man vidare till nästa låt. I det här experimentet vill jag ta reda på ifall vi är redo att offra lite för musiken. Kanske är det till och med så att man uppskattar en låt mer om man måste vänta och längta lite?” Together with Swedish pop star Veronica Maggio we created an experiment where people could exchange screen time for an unreleased song. To listen, all you had to do was to visit and flip your phone upside down and wait between 5-30 minutes. If you touched the phone or tried to use it in any way you had to restart. In the end 56.000 unique visitors waited together a combined time of 121 days.
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